The Style of Your Sofa

How do you choose the style of your sofa and love it? An excellent place to start is with the mood, the type of the room, and your lounging needs.

Your Sofa Style DNA

What is your style DNA ( Design Need Attributes)? For example, if you like to sit up straight when watching TV or reading, your sofa DNA would be a tight back sofa because this type of sofa has a straighter sitting position. But if you love to lounge back on your sofa, a loose back sofa with a deep seating area would be the perfect fit for you.

Different Styles of Sofa Arms

The next thing to consider is the sofa arm. Again it would be best to look at the mood and style you are going for in the room. In other words, do you want a relaxed feeling? Maybe a sock arm or panel sock arm is right for you. However, a more contemporary design style is a track arm sofa. Also, track-style arms come in several widths from 3″-9″ and with custom design, any size.

When Size is Important

In conclusion, the size of your sofa needs to be in scale with the rest of the room. Also, consider the sofa's length and how it sits in the room. It's nice to have a little breathing room around your furniture. And finally, the cocktail table should be in proportion to the size of the sofa too.

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