Is it Time to Invest in Original Artwork?

As an interior designer, the accessories and artwork are the finishing touches to a complete design. They add a layer of mood to the space that furniture alone can not do. Artwork is very subjective to the viewer. When working with clients on their primary home and second homes, more people invest in original artwork.

Bold ARTWORK in the Foyer

Adding bold artwork to the foyer of your home creates a conversational piece as friends and family enter your home. This original Anna Kincaid painting makes an impact in this entrance.

Location Location Location

Photography of a beautiful location can be created on metal for a stimulating effect. Because it’s on metal, there is a reflective element to the artwork which can to stunning in the correct location.

ABstract and ColOrful

Do you have a quiet corner or a long hallway? Adding a colorful abstract original artwork will create an interesting focal point.

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