The Timeline for Your Design Project

You're ready to start a new design project; it's an exciting time! But it's essential to think about and understand the timeline for your project. We'll be able to guide you through the process if you are working with our design firm. Furthermore, renovating your home can be very emotional. Because of the many changes, decisions on finishes, furniture, and old items will disappear. So let's walk through the timeline of a design project from beginning to end.

First Steps to the Timeline of a Design Project

When working with clients at our design firm, the design process starts with them hiring us. The clients are super excited about the start of their project. We are too! We are going to make their house beautiful! The beginning of your design is the conceptual design phase. The conceptual design will take about 1-2 months, depending on the project's scope. The designer will use your design goals, the information from the design consultation, and the questionnaire to create a design concept. The next step is the conceptual design meeting. At this time, you'll see the direction of your design. You're getting excited to have your home transformed. The sourcing will take about 1-2 months.

The third step is to finalize all the details in a detailed design meeting with your designer. There are so many details to a successful design. For instance, decisions on all the finishes, the fabrics, the furniture and lighting selections, and any items going away in storage or donation.

The Project Starts and Things Start to Change in your Home

Up until this point, your design has been all conceptual. However, now the purchasing and execution phase begins—all the elements for your project are on order. Custom items take time; they are handmade and then have to be delivered. Please prepare yourself and your family for your house having tradespeople in it almost every workday. The dust and mess of construction may seem like it will never end. Understandably, this is the most challenging phase. Depending on the scope of your project, it could be 4-6 months or more. However, the good news is you see progress.

Installation Progress has Begun

The installation will finally begin. When the construction, mess, and dust clear, you will be happy to see all your new lighting fixtures, the rugs in place, the drapery hung, and the wallpaper on the walls. At our firm, we like to perform the installations over two to three weeks. It must be done in a specific order so that none of the installations conflict with each other. As an example, we would paint before doing the window treatments.

Next is the delivery of all furniture, table lamps, bedding, and accessories. We warehouse everything and have it delivered all at one time. You will see all your new furniture in its place. Our design team will be styling and accessorizing your final design to perfection. Seeing your finished design, you say, "Wow, this is fantastic! I love my home!" The completed design project's full-time frame is 2-10 months.

The Aftermath

Once the dust clears and you are living in your beautifully designed home. You look back and think that was not so bad. Maybe we should work on other parts of the house; they look so sad in comparison. As your husband gets that look of shock on his face. LOL

Thinking of starting a design project?


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