The Right Height To Hang Artwork

The hanging height of artwork can make or break the effect of the piece’s impact. So, what is the correct height to hang art? You walk into a room and notice that all the artwork is at several different heights. But somehow, they feel balanced. Do you know why? The reason is the center of the overall painting is the same distance from the floor.

What is the Right Height for Art?

The center of your art display should be at eye level, about 56” to 62” from the floor. There is a tendency for very tall ceilings to hang a painting too high to “fill in the space.” However, better use of the “space” would let it breathe with nothing there. Another suggestion would be to add a wood trim, as in wainscotting, to add architectural detail.

Layering Artwork

An exciting way to hang artwork in a bedroom is on either side of the headboard. Placement is critical to balance the paintings with the lamp height and headboard height.

Artwork Above a Bed

Another excellent place to hang your artwork is above the bed. As interior design professionals, we look for longer than taller paintings to balance the “weight” of the bed. In other words, you want to compliment the bed design and not overpower the bedding.

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