Is it a Coffee Table or a Cocktail Table?

Ok, we have all heard the names Coffee Table and Cocktail Table. But what is that relatively large table we put in front of our sofas? Is it a Coffee Table or a Cocktail Table? And yes, every Interior Designer will say sofa over a couch, but you know what I mean.

The History of the Coffee Table

It began in the 16th-century when the first coffee houses opened in London. People needed a place to set their hot cups. Therefore, the beginnings of the coffee table started with the need to put the hot coffee cup down on something. They were tall too, at about 27″ high. Perfect for placing a cup between sips. However, when you think about the coffee tables or cocktail tables today, which are approximately 20″ high, the 16th-century coffee tables were very tall.

How to Choose the Correct Size Table

The correct size table to place in your living room depends on the size of the sitting area—also, the size of the room. You want to leave at least one and a half feet to two feet between the table edge and the seating area. In other words, any closer and your knees would be bumping the table.

Final Thoughts

So what’s the difference between these two tables? Cocktail tables are essentially coffee tables that are square or rectangular. Ok really? But a coffee table, on the other hand, is a cocktail table that is round or circular. So confusing; let’s make it simpler. First, a cocktail table is the same as a coffee table. Secondly, there’s no harm in believing this because both are tables placed in front of the sofa, and also both are used for entertaining guests and can be used to set a cup of coffee as well as a cocktail or snack! After that, it’s all that matters.

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