Introducing Accessories Into Your Design

Accessories play a crucial role in setting the mood in your space through texture and color. They offer a great way to personalize and enhance your interior design without requiring a complete redecoration. Here's how we assist our clients in effectively integrating accessories into their homes.

Start with a Theme or Color Palette

Accessories work best when they complement the room's overall theme or color scheme. We decide with the client on the mood they want to create—minimalist, rustic, eclectic, or modern—and choose accessories that match that mood. We use a variety of textures, mixing textiles like throw pillows and rugs with more rigid materials like metal vases or wooden sculptures. This contrast adds depth and dimension to a room.

Scale and Proportion

It’s essential to avoid clutter by selecting accessories of varying sizes that complement the room's scale. Larger items can be focal points, while smaller ones fill gaps without overwhelming the space. Balance functionality and aesthetics as accessories can be decorative and functional. For instance, stylish trays, chic storage baskets, or well-designed lighting fixtures can add to a space's beauty while serving a practical purpose.

Play with Patterns and Art

Please don’t be afraid to incorporate bold patterns or eye-catching art pieces into your interior design. A pop of pattern or artwork can bring personality and a unique focal point to your room, whether through throw pillows, area rugs, or wall art—layer accessories on the coffee table, shelves, or even walls in different areas. Layering items like books, candles, and picture frames on a side table or mantel adds interest and a curated feel.

Change out your accessories

We often notice homes with an excess of beautiful accessories on display. In most cases, less is more when it comes to decor. Curating your collection, storing some pieces, and showcasing others is a great way to avoid the cluttered feeling that an overabundance of accessories can bring. Opting for lighter, brighter pieces in the summer and warmer, cozier accessories in the winter can help freshen up your space throughout the year.

Including accessories is a subtle yet impactful way to enhance any space. It allows you to express your style while complementing the existing design. Need more inspiration? Follow us on Instagram.


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